Reference Sheet

Commission TypeInclusionsPrice
Reference Sheet and Designcharacter design, fully colored front view, flat colors back, left and right view and accessories.$400
Reference Sheetfully colored front view, flat colors back, left and right view and accessories.$300
expression add-onexpressions can be add upon request (comes with extra fee) and a free item if reference sheet is purchased with a VTuber Model. 

Terms Of Service

-By answering the form and commissioning me, you agree to follow and respect the T.O.S. If you have any questions regarding any specific details, please don't hesitate to ask me.
-All prices are base price only. Prices may go higher depending on the character design difficulty.
-At least 50% non-refundable payment upfront is required to secure a slot/to start the commission. All remaining balance should be paid after the model is done.
-Payment thru PayPal only (USD).
-Cancellation=No refund and no files will be sent to the client.
Turn Around Time (TAT)
-Completion of the full commission is around 4 months. It may take shorter (1 week) or longer depending on client's respond time and character's detail complexity.
- If the client failed to respond/give feedback within 1 month time period, the commission will be void without refund.
- If I (artist) failed to respond/give update within 1 month time period, the commission will be void with full refund.
-If you have a design artist, please put their social media account in the form so I can credit them in the reference sheet.
-Major revisions are allowed for sketch phase only. Too much revisions/changing minds (aka going back and fort) will result to additional fee.
-For designing character commissions, I might make multiple designs for you to choose from. The unselected/rejected designs are still owned by me and I have the rights to sell the said rejected designs.
-Feedbacks are expected within 72-hour period. This is to reduce the time it'll take to finish the commission.
-Asking for available update is ok. Just please make sure don't do it every single day because sometime it'll take days before I can update. I'm fine with DMs but commission related messages are prioritized.
-I will not release any files until fully paid.
-Files will be sent thru GDrive. Please remember to save your own copies because I remove the files in my GDrive and PC weeks after the client received the files.
-Do not edit/trace the art and claim it as yours.
-If the client didn't reply for 48 hours after the files have been sent, it'll be considered received by the client.
I(artist) have the rights to turndown a commission request if it's outside my skill/comfort range. I can also add the commissioned piece to my portfolio and use it as my art sample. I also have the rights to be credited as the artist. Mentioning my twitter handle (@xianglynx_) is enough. I'm also free to use existing textures, patterns and assets to do the model. However, I'm not allowed to reproduce textures, assets, patterns that is personalized for the client.
You(client) have the rights to use the art for streaming (used as reference for VTuber model, character art, etc. ), content creation and other personal usage but not merch making. If you're planning to make a merch by printing the art I draw for you, please DM me first (this will result to additional fee).How to Order
-Please click the button below (order form) and fill-in the form. Mood boards and written descriptions are highly welcomed. You can also contact me on Twitter (@xianglynx_) or Discord xianglynx_ .